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Being a shipper of choice means that carriers value your working with your business and actually prefer to engage in business activities with you. Once such a relationship is established, being a shipper of choice can prove to be beneficial to everyone who is involved. Not only can it create a friendly and efficient work […]
Technology drives business today, and the shipping business is no different. Tech trucking news tends to revolve around the big critical breakthroughs, like platooning, autonomous vehicles, connected technologies, and electric and alt fuel vehicles, but some of the less well-known advances are just as fascinating—and could be just as helpful to fleets and drivers, and […]
According to the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI)’s annual survey, the driver shortage is the most critical issue facing the trucking industry, and motor carriers ranked driver retention as the second most important issue*. The worry appears to be well-founded. ATRI’s report also said that “driver turnover increased through the first half of 2018, particularly […]
Would young interstate commercial truck drivers breathe new life into the trucking industry, or would they endanger lives on the road?
Truckers save lives every day, with mission-critical delivery of medical and emergency supplies. But some do more than just deliver vital goods. Some volunteer to deliver relief to victims of wildfires and floods. Some, like Next Exit’s drivers, navigate rising waters in order to deliver emergency generators to towns hit hard by hurricanes. Some are […]
Consider these facts: In 2015, 81.6% of Americans lived in cities or urban areas. More than 80% of all U.S. goods begin or end their trips in the United States’ 100 largest metro areas. Just 10% of U.S. corridors move 79% of goods. In 2016 truckers experienced almost 1.2 billion hours of delays as a […]
From autonomous trucks to smart warehouses, robots are powering up the logistics industry. They’re also tackling one of the industry’s toughest issues: last-mile delivery.
Until recently, unassigned driving time wasn’t an issue. Drivers filled out their paper logs and that was that. Even carriers who used electronic logs didn’t worry too much about unassigned driving events. The time spent was usually not much, and just seen as part of the cost of business.
As our nation’s infrastructure crumbles, states and cities are scrambling to fund the restoration of highways, bridges, and tunnels. One way to do it: tolls. Tolls—on bridges, on roads, and in congested city areas—are increasingly seen as the solution to critical funding woes: Over a dozen states are either opening toll roads or lanes, raising […]
Ryder recently ordered 1,000 Chanje electric vehicles for FedEx. Frito-Lay announced they planned to buy 100 Tesla trucks, and Albertson’s said it will purchase 10 Tesla all-electric Semi tractors for its Southern California stores.