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Blowouts: How to Avoid Them When You Can Handle Them and When You Can’t

Blowouts: How to Avoid Them When You Can Handle Them and When You Can’t

Blowouts are scary. Even scarier are their all-too-often consequences. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that tires were a contributing factor in accidents that injured 19,000 people in 2015. Even worse, 733 people died in 2016 in crashes in which tire malfunction contributed to the accident.

Robot Apocalypse Ahead? The Future of Self-Driving Trucks (And Drivers)

The Future of Self-Driving Trucks

The future is here. Autonomous trucks are on the road. Soon, there will be squads of driverless semis zooming down the highways, imperiling auto drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, and stealing jobs from thousands of truckers.

The Driver Shortage: How Bad Is It and What Can be Done?

The Driver Shortage

“The U.S. doesn’t have enough truckers, and it’s starting to cause prices of about everything to rise.” “Every single day is a battle to find drivers.”

How to Become a Shipper of Choice (and why you should want to)

How to Become a Shipper of Choice

Carriers rule (at least in today’s capacity environment). The driver shortage, increased demand, and the new Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate have shifted the balance of power to the carrier.

New Guidance on the 150 Air-Mile Hours of Service Agricultural Exemption


Tomatoes wait for no man. Neither do lambs, bees, or hay. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) understands that timing is everything on farms and ranches, and so instituted several exemptions for trucks hauling agricultural products. And with the recent Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate, the Administration felt the need to clarify the 150 […]

How to Avoid Accidents with 18-Wheelers

How to Avoid Accidents

You’re late for an important meeting. The freeway is jammed—you’ll never make it on time. If you could just get off the freeway, maybe you could take the side streets…Then you see a space between two semis, just enough to get into the right lane for that off-ramp just ahead.

FMCSA’s New Guidance on Personal Conveyance Aims to Keep Drivers Safe

Personal Conveyance Aims to Keep Drivers Safe

Drivers need to sleep. And use the restroom. And eat. And they need to do it without fear of racking up hours of violations. That’s what personal conveyance guidelines are supposed to address. And on May 31, 2018, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued new guidance regarding personal conveyance that should help to […]

How to Drive Millennials to Trucking Careers

How to Drive Millennials to Trucking Careers

What’s up with Millennials? Why don’t they want trucking jobs and how can we change their minds? These aren’t just questions to be debated over drinks after work, but ones that need to make their way into the office, to be discussed with recruiters, with HR, with marketing—with pretty much everyone at your company.

How to Keep Shipping Costs Low (the solution may surprise you)

Holiday Shipping

The current shipping problem is on everyone’s radar. Though freight is at near-record volumes, products cost more to ship and take longer to deliver. Factors driving the price hike and delivery slowdown are many. Diesel fuel is at a three-year high. The new Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Rule forces drivers to limit their time behind […]

Why Aren’t Millennials Interested in Trucking?

Millennials Interested in Trucking

If you’re in the transportation business, you’ve heard of the truck driver shortage. Recent articles in the Washington Post have called it a “massive” shortage that’s reached “a crisis level.” According to the American Trucking Association, by the end of 2017, the U.S. needed 51,000 more truck drivers that are currently working, and the numbers […]

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